Does Job board screen reviews?

Yes. Before a review is published it goes through an automated screening process to ensure that every review published meets our community guidelines. We do not assess reviews for accuracy or verify facts or the extent of any allegation about a company. The reviews are posted by our candidate community based on their opinion of working at a specific company, and are shown as published without any editing. Despite our best efforts, occasionally an inappropriate review may be published. In these rare cases you can report a review as being inappropriate if you feel it is suspicious or violates our community guidelines.

How can I submit a review?

Please visit to leave a review. Every submission is captured and moderated before being published. All company reviews are anonymous. You can submit multiple reviews about different companies you have worked for.

Will my review be anonymous?

Yes, your review will be anonymous and no identifiable information will be provided by, in your review.

Why do I have to sign in to write a review?

Being able to confirm that a review has been written by a real person helps us to identify and eliminate spam or illegitimate reviews. By looking at account history and profile information, can detect fraudulent activity and have increased certainty about the credibility of the information being provided in the review. In the future, this will also allow us to notify you if your review is moderated or responded to, as well as enabling you to remove or change your review.

Will reveal the identity of who wrote a review?

Company Reviews are posted anonymously. Just as is committed to providing authentic information on Company Review pages, we are equally careful to maintain the anonymity of every reviewer. Although a submitted review is linked to that reviewers account, no identifiable information is revealed to the public or to the company that is the subject of the review, except where is compelled by law to disclose this information.

How do I edit or remove my own review?

Reviews cannot currently be edited. You can contact us if you would like assistance removing your review.

How is the overall rating determined?

The overall rating is calculated as an average of all the reviews for that Company. There is no weighting, all reviews count towards the overall rating.

Can employers respond to reviews?

Yes, employers can respond to reviews. Responses must meet our community guidelines. Employers do not know who posted the review as all reviews are anonymous and no identifiable information will be provided by SEEK to the employer.

How are reviews ordered?

Reviews are currently ordered based on their helpfulness rating. This rating is determined by SEEK’s own algorithm, which accounts for multiple factors such as review: freshness, relevancy, constructiveness and balanced opinion.

How are the two reviews appearing on the ‘Overview’ page selected? Can page owners select them?

We don’t currently support page owners selecting those two reviews. These reviews are currently selected based on their helpfulness rating. This rating is determined by SEEK’s own algorithm, which accounts for multiple factors such as review: freshness, relevancy, constructiveness and balanced opinion.